Nan Griffith’s Murmurations/Migrations Series

This series is inspired by two phenomena on the planet that are each a marvel, the murmurations of the starlings and the migrant journeys of humankind.

The animals, insects, critters of sea, land and air all have ancient and personal symbolism. The snail represents patience and the moon, the orchid, peace and sexuality. A waterfall represents the desert of the gods for Hindus; a finch speaks of joy. And, as many know, elephant brings good luck. Daisies are about fresh beginnings. The Yin Yang symbol and my own representation of the stele are symbols of life and the inevitability of death in concert with the hope of a new beginning.

“Art is where one finds it, part of nature’s bounty. Put in place either with intent or accidentally, artists are arbiters of the sacrament. Through perceiving, the perceiver walks the same sacred path as the artist.”

—Nan Griffith

Additional Collections


Shape Shifters

Primitive Paradigms


Lunar Traces



A Moment in Forever